Tuesday, August 11, 2009


First blog ever for me and I'm pretty new at it. Haha. Didn't make much of my day today, just sat at home like usual and watched TV with my dad. Yeah, I'm pretty lame. I should really start dancing more though, I'm forgetting to add my signature moves into my freestyles. Damn. Really wish summer was over actually I can't stand the boredom anymore. It's killing me. I hope things really start to turn around in high school for me. I don't know why I'm saying this, but I think I'm going to try to give myself a makeover for high school. Haha. Hope there are cute freshman girls when i go turn in my yellow card at Grove this week. Damn, that's pretty shallow, isn't it? I always thought writing blogs was a girly thing but now I seriously hit rock bottom and need something to entertain me. That's how bored I am. Well going to go to Don's house tomorrow and play COD 5 so that'll be pretty fun for this week. Haha. I'm done for tonight.

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